[SciPy-user] python windows set up

Young, Karl karl.young at ucsf.edu
Mon Mar 16 15:35:38 EDT 2009

Sorry to spam the list with a silly question but I'm trying to convert a windows using colleague to python so that interacting with her
doesn't mean my having to convert her matlab code. She's an excellent scientist but has a low tolerance for complicated software installations and it seems like I'm currently losing the battle re. her installing scipy/numpy. I'm a linux type (though I understand the importance of being cross platform I rarely leave my linux womb, e.g. I currently do most work in ubuntu under parallels on a mac so don't even look much at OS X issues) so I'm not much use re. helping her with her installation issues. I know this type of question has been asked endlessly but I thought I'd try to get the latest suggestions on whether there was anywhere I could point her. She's tried to install the Enthought distribution (at the moment I forget what the problem she had with that was); is that still the best suggestion ? Do people recommend PythonXY in this type of situation (seems like a bit of baggage if you only need numpy/scipy) ? Anyway, sorry again for the spam and thanks for any suggestions.  

Karl Young
Center for Imaging of Neurodegenerative Disease, UCSF
VA Medical Center, MRS Unit (114M)
Phone:  (415) 221-4810 x3114
FAX:    (415) 668-2864
Email:  karl young at ucsf edu

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