[SciPy-user] scikits.timeseries AttributeError

Matt Knox mattknox.ca at gmail.com
Thu Jun 5 22:34:41 EDT 2008

>> dates = ts.date_array([q[1] for q in data], freq='S')

This is one of the known limitations of the timeseries module right now
unfortunately. Plotting for frequencies higher than daily is not currently
supported. It actually shouldn't be too much work to implement it, but it just
hasn't been a priority for me and I haven't had much free time lately. I hope to
be able to get to this sometime this month... but contributions are always
welcome if someone beats me to it :)

Pierre and I have been discussing doing a first official release of the
timeseries module in the near future, but there are a few remaining outstanding
issues we want to clear up first.

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