[SciPy-user] Python(x, y) - New release 1.1.0 --> Hooray for Pyhon(x, y)

Mark Bakker markbak at gmail.com
Thu Apr 17 04:01:55 EDT 2008

I want to pitch-in my fifty cents.

I think the Pyhon(x,y) effort is very important in moving forward the use of
Python for scientific applications.

I used to use the Entought distribution for teaching class, which was great.
The only downside was that they didn't release often enough.

The new Enthought distribution with eggs just isn't convenient for teaching
a class. Users want a one-click install. And sorting through Eggs is
undoable for the beginner.

The two major problems for Python(x,y) are (IMHO):

1. What packages to include. It started out slim, but is now slowly moving
to big, then probably on to sumo. Not sure what a good alternative is. As
long as everything works, and it doesn't slow down releases of Python(x,y) I
see no problem. I REALLY would like a Mac version though.

2. What license to put on it. Not sure what the developers are thinking
here. I read the confusion/discussion on the list, and when I clicked on the
license on the pythonxy.com website it turns out to be gone. So maybe they
are rethinking it.

I want to stress though that we should do as much as we can to support this
effort. So let's not bash them for picking a license we don't like. Let's
talk to them and convince them it needs something else, or better yet,
nothing else. All packages already have their own license.

So I say HOORAY for Pyhon(x,y). Let's make it the best thing since, well,
sliced matrices?

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