[SciPy-user] FW: Re: Building VTK

Pye Fie fie.pye at atlas.cz
Wed Dec 19 13:18:01 EST 2007


Finaly I managed to build and install VTK.

Solution was to call g++34 insted of gcc34 

fie pye

>Od: Pye Fie
>Přijato: 12.12.2007 23:59:38
>Předmět: Re: [SciPy-user] Building VTK
>Hi Metthieu.
>Than you for your response. I posted my question on VTK ML first.
>Unfortunately I didn't get any answer until now. 
>You asker about my compiler. 
>CentOS 5.0 is compiled with gcc 4.1. I installed also gcc 4.2 and gcc 3.4.6 on the PC.
>I would like to have a computational environment based on Python and its module. I compiled Python and module Ipython, SciPy, NumPy, tables, matplotlib, wxpython ......... and libraries such as BLAS, LAPACK, ATLAS, HDF5, ........ with gcc3.4.6. Now I continue with compiling VTK with gcc3.4.6 too. More information about compilation setup is the file CMakeCache.txt.
>Best regards.
>Fie pye
>Od: Matthieu Brucher
>Přijato: 11.12.2007 21:18:04
>Předmět: Re: [SciPy-user] Building VTK
>Besides, you tell us you use GCC 3.4.6 but in your description, it is GCC 4.2...
>The issue may be solved by linking against GCC libraries, but again, the VTK ML may be a better place for the solution.
>2007/12/11, Matthieu Brucher <matthieu.brucher at gmail.com>: Hi,
>This issue is related to a C++ problem in VTK, not Python, so we can't say much. I advise you to post this on the VTK ML.
>2007/12/11, Pye Fie < fie.pye at atlas.cz>:Hello.
>I would like to build and install VTK and MayaVi2. 
>PC: 2x Dual-core Opteron
>OS: CentOS 5.0, kernel 2.6.18-8.1.15.el5
>OS compiler: gcc version 4.2.0, gfortran
>have already built and installed python2.5.1 and other module with compiler gcc3.4.6 . 
>Now I can't build VTK. I am building with gcc3.4.6. Building stops on the following
>[ 74%] Building CXX object IO/CMakeFiles/vtkIOTCL.dir/vtkZLibDataCompressorTcl.o
>74%] Building CXX object IO/CMakeFiles/vtkIOTCL.dir/vtkIOTCLInit.o 
>Linking CXX shared
>library ../bin/libvtkIOTCL.so
>[ 74%] Built target vtkIOTCL
>Scanning dependencies
>of target vtkParseOGLExt
>[ 74%] Building CXX object Utilities/ParseOGLExt/CMakeFiles/vtkParseOGLExt.dir/ParseOGLExt.o 
>74%] Building CXX object Utilities/ParseOGLExt/CMakeFiles/vtkParseOGLExt.dir/Tokenizer.o
>CXX executable ../../bin/vtkParseOGLExt
>In function `std::__verify_grouping(char const*, unsigned long, std::basic_string
>std::char_traits, std::allocator > const&)':
>undefined reference to `std::basic_string, std::allocator 
>>::size() const'
>Tokenizer.cxx:(.text+0x70): undefined reference to `std::basic_string
>std::char_traits, std::allocator >::operator[](unsigned long) const'
>Tokenizer.cxx : (.text+0xb0):
>undefined reference to `std::basic_string, std::allocator
>>::operator[](unsigned long) const'
>Tokenizer.cxx:(.text+0xdd): undefined reference 
>to `std::basic_string, std::allocator >::operator[](unsigned
>long) const'
>CMakeFiles/vtkParseOGLExt.dir/Tokenizer.o: In function `Tokenizer::Tokenizer(char 
>const*, char const*)':
>Tokenizer.cxx:(.text+0x12a): undefined reference to `std::allocator::allocator()'
>undefined reference to `std::basic_string, std::allocator 
>>::basic_string(char const*, std::allocator const&)'
>undefined reference to `std::allocator::~allocator()'
>undefined reference to `std::allocator::~allocator()' 
>undefined reference to `std::allocator::allocator()'
>undefined reference to `std::basic_string, std::allocator 
>>::basic_string(char const*, std::allocator const&)'
>The list continues. It
>seams that there is something wrong with OpenGL but I can't find what is wrong. Could
>anybody help me? 
>I have attached more detailed information about VTK configuration,
>building output and building script.
>Best regards
>fie pye
>SciPy-user mailing list
>SciPy-user at scipy.org
>French PhD student
>Website :  http://matthieu-brucher.developpez.com/ 
>Blogs : http://matt.eifelle.com and  http://blog.developpez.com/?blog=92
>LinkedIn :  http://www.linkedin.com/in/matthieubrucher 
>French PhD student
>Website : http://matthieu-brucher.developpez.com/
>Blogs :  http://matt.eifelle.com and http://blog.developpez.com/?blog=92
>LinkedIn : http://www.linkedin.com/in/matthieubrucher  


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