[SciPy-user] Scipy with Python 2.4 on Windows

Sylvain Gerbier sylvain.gerbier at newlogic.fr
Mon Sep 26 03:10:55 EDT 2005

Thanks for all your answers .. I'm not familiar enough with this 
compilation and build things to look into it ..
I'm going to wait and try to find another solution ..
Thanks anyway ..


Robert Kern wrote:
> Travis Oliphant wrote:
>>Ryan Krauss wrote:
>>>Whenever the question of 2.4 and Windows has come up, the answer has
>>>been that no one is doing it yet.
>>I'm pretty sure the problem with scipy and windows on Python 2.4 is with
>>the build of numpyio not picking up the same input / output DLL that
>>Python was compiled against.  I'm not sure why this would happen
>>suddenly on the change to Python 2.4.  It is probably a
>>distutils-related issues.
> Well, the C runtime changed completely with Python 2.4 which is now
> being compiled with MSVC 7.
>>In the mean time, the rest of scipy should be fine you just won't be
>>able to use a lot of the io functions.
>>If anybody has any ideas, please help.  Otherwise, this may take a bit
>>to track down as I don't have time to spend on it, and nobody else has
> As I mentioned the last time this came up (three weeks ago!), John
> Hunter say that he has had success compiling matplotlib with mingw by
> making a tiny change to distutils:
> http://mail.python.org/pipermail/python-list/2004-December/254826.html
> I'm not sure if matplotlib is passing FILE* pointers between Python and
> the extension modules, though. It may not be exercising the
> crash-inducing conditions.

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