[SciPy-user] Fwd: Scipy_core and numarray

Alan G Isaac aisaac at american.edu
Thu Oct 6 12:34:37 EDT 2005

>> Along the latter lines, I have a more practical question: one 
>> numarray capability that I used a lot was the ability to create 
>> uninitialized arrays, such as 
>>      arr = numarray.array(shape=(3,5), type=Float64) 

On Thu, 06 Oct 2005, Robert Kern apparently wrote: 
> arr = scipy.empty((3,5), scipy.Float64) 

Can you please explain what "unitialized" means in this 
context and what the advantage is over using zeros?

Thank you,
Alan Isaac

>>> x=scipy.empty((2,2),scipy.Float64)
>>> print x
[[  3.82265070e-297  -3.13335570e-294]
 [  1.93390236e-309   4.22764505e-307]]

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