[SciPy-user] SciPy intermittently offline tonight

Joe Cooper joe at enthought.com
Fri Jun 10 18:19:19 EDT 2005

Hi all,

I will be migrating SciPy.org to a new server tonight (barring problems, 
in which case it will happen over the weekend).  Thus, there will be 
periods of downtime, possibly as long as an hour or two but more likely 
a few 5-10 minute periods and one ~30 minute period as each service is 
shutdown, rsynced and brought back up on the new machine.

Please let me know if this will cause any serious hardship for anyone.

This will all begin in an hour or so and I'll ping the lists when I 
believe things are back to normal.

BTW-For those of you who have services running on SciPy.org, you will be 
receiving a new setup email which explains how you can access all of the 
newly available services (you'll be able to create your own Subversion 
repos, manage users, create email accounts, mailman mailing lists, etc.).


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