[SciPy-user] Universal constants

Travis Oliphant oliphant at ee.byu.edu
Fri Jan 28 17:36:55 EST 2005

Robert Kern wrote:

> R. Padraic Springuel wrote:
>> Does anybody know where within scipy (or its associated packages) pi 
>> and e are defined?  Also, are any other constants predefined?  I'm 
>> thinking of adding a few others to the list but don't want to 
>> duplicate effort if its already done and would like to keep 
>> everything in one place.
> As other people mentioned, pi and e are defined in Numeric, numarray, 
> and math. As for adding new constants, I think a new file, 
> scipy_base/constants.py, would be a good place for them. I'd rather 
> not pollute the global namespace (i.e. what you get when you "from 
> scipy import *") with more constants, though.


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