[SciPy-user] help and lazy importer (again or still ?)

Arnd Baecker arnd.baecker at web.de
Thu May 6 18:18:34 EDT 2004

Hi Pearu,

On Thu, 6 May 2004, Pearu Peterson wrote:

> It turns out I was wrong, the latest patch in CVS makes also
>   help("scipy.integrate")
> to work.

I just tried it out (>>> scipy.__version__: '0.3.1_280.4183')

>>> help("scipy.integrate")
No module named Image
>>> help("scipy.integrate")
No module named ImageFilter
>>> help("scipy.integrate")
No module named wxPython
>>> help("scipy.integrate")
  [[[ now the expected help shows up ]]]

I.e, only the 4th try leads to the doc-string?

Another one:
>>> help("scipy.integrate.odeint")
No module named Image

>>> help("scipy.integrate.odeint")
No module named odeint

Do you also observe this or did I screw up my installation ?



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