[SciPy-user] Some progress installing on Mac OSX / Fink

Gary Pajer pajer at iname.com
Thu Sep 11 20:16:54 EDT 2003

I'm trying to install scipy on OSX using the Fink installer.
As noted earlier, I had to find and manually download pdflib-4.0.3 because
pdflib.com is delivering 5.x.x.

Fink stops at one point, reporting a checksum problem with pdflib.  I just
said go ahead anyway.

With that, lots of compiling takes place.

I'm stuck now because Fink is trying to install numeric-atlas, but it finds
already installed both numeric and numeric-py22.  Fink stops here, refusing
to go beyond this conflict.   Since I have numeric-py22 already, is there
some way to force Fink to ignore this step?

I'm not sure how/why two versions of numeric are registered as installed.
(Recall I'm new at the Mac.)  In the actual filestructure, only numeric-py22
exists. (that is, /sw/lib/python22/site-packages)  I've installed several
packages; apparantly numeric was installed twice.  Only one seems to exist,
yet both are registered with Fink as being installed.   I tried

sudo fink remove numeric
sudo fink remove numeric-py22

after which both packages are no longer registered, *and* I mangled the name
of the numeric directory and numeric.pth in the hopes that the scipy
installation would see nothing installed, and install numeric-atlas.  But
no, it still finds numeric-py22 as installed, and quits.  (I also have
MacPython installed ... but shouldn't that be entirely independent?)

So once again, I beseech thee for help.

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