[SciPy-user] Debian package(s)? -- and RPM

Pearu Peterson pearu at cens.ioc.ee
Mon Nov 18 09:14:10 EST 2002

On Mon, 18 Nov 2002, RA wrote:

> Just to make sure:
> ### Pearu's summary ###
> 1) scipy_distutils and scipy_test are bundled to scipy_core
> 2) scipy_base stays in scipy (at least for the time being)
> 3) The following packages are stand-alone and all depend on scipy_core:
>    scipy, weave, f2py2e, chaco, etc.
> 4) scipy depends also on weave, f2py2e, chaco(?in future), etc.
> ###
> This _could_ mean:
> 'python<>' and 'python2.2<>' debs:
> '-scipy-core'   -- see 1)
> '-scipy' (scipy & scipy_base), '-weave' , '-chaco'   -- see 2) & 3)
> '-f2py' (stand-alone), '-f2py2e' or '-f2py-base' (scipy_distutils omitted)
> Comments?

Do you mean:
 python-f2py (stand-alone) contains f2py2e and scipy_distutils
 python-f2py2e contains f2py2e only
Hmm, (i) isn't there a conflict then between python-f2py
and python-scipy-core if both contain scipy_distutils? 
And (ii) python-f2py2e will loose part of its functionality ("f2py -c
..." stuff) if it cannot use scipy_distutils (in fact, f2py will probably
complain about it).

I think you can treat f2py similarly to '-scipy', '-weave', or '-chaco'
(packaging should be then easier). All they depend on scipy-core and the
only difference is that f2py comes with a script 'f2py'.

If you need certain changes to scipy or f2py2e setup.py scripts that will
ease deb or rpm packaging, let us know.


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