[SciPy-user] Debian package(s)? -- and RPM

Francesc Alted falted at openlc.org
Mon Nov 18 05:57:31 EST 2002

On Fri, Nov 15, 2002 at 03:06:22PM +0100, RA wrote:
> I've just read the ml archive, because I want to contribute some packages 
> (scipy and f2py), both RPM (Mdk 9.0) and DEB (woody). 
> I've got some experience with RPM and I'll also submit these packages to 
> cooker (just updated yesterday, with custom atlas ).
> For debian, well, the debs evolved from joe r. packages. They were updated a 
> few weeks ago (build with atlas-base). I hope, that they can be at least a 
> starting point.
> So, how could I upload the stuff?

Ok. If you have a debian package candidate for both scipy and f2py, I
suggest to first send them to Joe Reinhart, and if he founds the packages
are ok, put them in a public place in order to be tested by debian scipy
users (for example, myself).

Please, when building the new packages, have in mind all the suggestions
from Pearu and Eric.

Good luck, and if you need any help, just say it!

Francesc Alted                            PGP KeyID:      0x61C8C11F
Scientific aplications developer
Public PGP key available: http://www.openlc.org/falted_at_openlc.asc
Key fingerprint = 1518 38FE 3A3D 8BE8 24A0  3E5B 1328 32CC 61C8 C11F

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