[SciPy-user] import scipy fails - cannot find liblapack.so.3

Pearu Peterson pearu at cens.ioc.ee
Thu Nov 14 16:44:44 EST 2002

On Thu, 14 Nov 2002, Ray wrote:

> Thanks for the quick reply Pearu,
> Interesting that your ATLAS 'make install' runs so fast.  I didn't time my
> attempt to build on an 800 MHz PentuimIII at home, but it also seemed like
> hours.  I'll check that.
> Meanwhile, thanks for the suggestions, but I'm afraid I don't quite understand
> them:
> >If that is the case, then there are several ways to fix it:
> >1) Define 
> >  LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/local/lib/atlas

This is the approach that I would use as it is more flexible for playing
around with shared libraries. Anyway, what I meant here was that you can
add the following line


to .bashrc file (or some other dot-file that your favorite shell uses).
This will ensure that shared libraries are searched first from
/usr/local/lib/atlas and then from other locations.

> >2) Put /usr/local/lib/atlas to
> >  /etc/ld.so.conf
> > and run ldconfig
> Is the definition done at the command line?
> What do you mean by "Put" in item 2.

I meant Insert. This is another way (may be more appropiate one than
1. in your case) to define the shared library search path. ldconfig should
be run as root, of course. See man pages for more information.

> >You can use ldd to check the dependencies of >shared libraries.
> >E.g.
> >  ldd path/to/linalg/flapack.so
> >etc.
> Looked in the /scipy/linalg file and only have the following flapack files:
> flapack.pyf  flapack_user_routines.pyf

You should find flapack.so from build/lib-????/scipy/linalg directory.

> Just for grins, I looked around on to see where liblapack.so.3 might be: I
> cannot find it anywhere on my system.  Looking at RPM distros it seems like
> there should be some *.so files in addition to the *.a files.
> Sorry for the confusion.

No problem. Actually suggestion for adding /usr/local/lib/atlas to the
shared library search path still holds. You dont need lapack or blas RPMS
if you have already compiled ATLAS with complete LAPACK.


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