[SciPy-user] import scipy fails - cannot find liblapack.so.3

Ray rhawkin2 at earthlink.net
Thu Nov 14 15:49:29 EST 2002

Thanks for the quick reply Pearu,

Interesting that your ATLAS 'make install' runs so fast.  I didn't time my
attempt to build on an 800 MHz PentuimIII at home, but it also seemed like
hours.  I'll check that.

Meanwhile, thanks for the suggestions, but I'm afraid I don't quite understand

>If that is the case, then there are several ways to fix it:
>1) Define 
>  LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/local/lib/atlas
>2) Put /usr/local/lib/atlas to
>  /etc/ld.so.conf
> and run ldconfig

Is the definition done at the command line?
What do you mean by "Put" in item 2.

>You can use ldd to check the dependencies of >shared libraries.
>  ldd path/to/linalg/flapack.so

Looked in the /scipy/linalg file and only have the following flapack files:

flapack.pyf  flapack_user_routines.pyf

Just for grins, I looked around on to see where liblapack.so.3 might be: I
cannot find it anywhere on my system.  Looking at RPM distros it seems like
there should be some *.so files in addition to the *.a files.

Sorry for the confusion.


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