[SciPy-Dev] What for the new contributor?

Władysław Raczek wsw.raczek at gmail.com
Mon Mar 2 04:40:08 EST 2020

Hi everybody,

I'm third year student on Theoretical Computer Science. This year we have
to contribute to open-source project, and I've chosen SciPy because it
seems to be interesting, and it also seems to have lot of things to do.
I've looked rather briefly through the list of issues, and I've come to
thought that each issue is either a documentation issue, or some pretty
complicated stuff.
Maybe someone here has any thoughts on how can a new person in project
(like me) contribute, e.g. You have some issues in mind, or You yourself
opened some issue You consider suitable for a new contributor, and it
didn't get a PR yet, or smth. else :)
Would be truly grateful for help!

Vladyslav Rachek

P.S. This isn't about being afraid of doing "complicated stuff" but rather
about help with suggesting about how to get to that "stuff" from beginner's
level, doing useful things on the way :)
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