[SciPy-Dev] add johnson SL distribution

Michael Watson mike.watson at sheffield.ac.uk
Thu Jan 3 13:08:30 EST 2019

Hi all, happy new year,
We have the SB and SU Johnson distributions implemented but not the SL
distribution, it doesn't look like much work to add it in if it's
appropriate, I'm doing some work with these distributions and ultimately
would like to implement functions to fit by moments and by quantiles too.
there are existing implementations that are distributed under the BSD
licence here:


so it doesn't seem like a big job from my point of view and I'll be doing
it anyway.

it would also be my first contribution so if it would be better to start
with another issue (I saw a list and 2 stalled PRs in another email) then
try to add functionality just say and I can look at contributing other ways
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