[SciPy-Dev] mac osx blas segfault

Mark Alexander Mikofski mikofski at berkeley.edu
Sun Feb 3 13:43:21 EST 2019


Sorry for asking again. I know that Accelerate lapack has been deprecated.
I have openblas from homebrew. If I use LDFLAGS, CPPFLAGS, and
PKG_CONFIG_PATH , I get a very long traceback of compiler errors, I can
post them if that helps. Without the flags, I get a segfault at
test_cython_blas. I am prepending the flags inline to runtest.py instead of
exporting them, if that makes a difference.

Is there any document or quick guide that explains how to use runtest.py on
mac osx? I've searched online but I haven't found a solution.


PS Anyone know how to search the mail list archives?
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