[SciPy-Dev] GSOC'18 : Enhance the Randomized Numerical Linear Algebra functionality

Ralf Gommers ralf.gommers at gmail.com
Sun Mar 25 03:11:58 EDT 2018

On Sat, Mar 24, 2018 at 12:54 AM, Chaman Agrawal <chaman.ag at gmail.com>

> Hello everyone,
> Goal of the mail : To understand better about the current status about the
> project and suggestions/resources to speed up my research for it.
> I am a second year undergraduate at Indian Institute of Technology
> Kanpur,India highly interested in Linear Algebra ,Probability Theory and
> Statistics and algorithms in general.

Hi Chaman. Yes there are a couple of strong candidates already:
https://github.com/scipy/scipy/issues/8498#issuecomment-370731126. And
you're quite late to get started on this project - I would suggest your
time is better spent looking for other opportunities.


> Before sending this I went through the emails archive to avoid asking any
> redundant question but I was not able to get discussion about this project.
> Is this project not open or there are already some strong candidates whose
> discussions I was not able to find? I wanted to ask for a more detailed
> description about the project compared to what is there in the Ideas page.
> I had a few doubts like by both  Clarkson Woodruff transformation and
> Johnson–Lindenstrauss lemma we get benefit of dimension reduction so will
> this project be more focused on dimension reduction techniques or other
> randomized techniques like subsampled Hadamard Transform Matrix
> <https://arxiv.org/pdf/1204.0062.pdf> etc.
> Also if there is a list of desired algorithms to be implemented it would
> be a great speed booster.
> Thank you,
> Chaman Agrawal
> Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur,India
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