[SciPy-Dev] GSOC'18 : Enhance the Randomized Numerical Linear Algebra functionality

Chaman Agrawal chaman.ag at gmail.com
Sat Mar 24 03:54:53 EDT 2018

Hello everyone,

Goal of the mail : To understand better about the current status about the
project and suggestions/resources to speed up my research for it.

I am a second year undergraduate at Indian Institute of Technology
Kanpur,India highly interested in Linear Algebra ,Probability Theory and
Statistics and algorithms in general.

Before sending this I went through the emails archive to avoid asking any
redundant question but I was not able to get discussion about this project.
Is this project not open or there are already some strong candidates whose
discussions I was not able to find? I wanted to ask for a more detailed
description about the project compared to what is there in the Ideas page.

I had a few doubts like by both  Clarkson Woodruff transformation and
Johnson–Lindenstrauss lemma we get benefit of dimension reduction so will
this project be more focused on dimension reduction techniques or other
randomized techniques like subsampled Hadamard Transform Matrix
<https://arxiv.org/pdf/1204.0062.pdf> etc.

Also if there is a list of desired algorithms to be implemented it would be
a great speed booster.

Thank you,
Chaman Agrawal
Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur,India
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