[SciPy-Dev] Contributing to SciPy through GSoC

Anubhav Patel anubhavp28 at gmail.com
Thu Mar 22 10:43:13 EDT 2018

I am seeking feedback for my GSoC Proposal for Rotation Formalism in 3
Dimensions -

On Mon, Mar 5, 2018 at 3:11 AM, Nikolay Mayorov <nikolay.mayorov at zoho.com>

> Hi, Anybhev!
> I think getting Rotation right is a top priority and so far unfortunately
> nobody dig into technical details of it. I would like to see that from
> students.
> As for the algorithms. I believe that Wahba's problem can be generalized
> by adding a translation vector, but the interpretation will be different
> (search for "absolute orientation problem"). As for methods to solve
> Wahba's problem --- probably SVD based is the easiest to understand and
> implement, but if we decide to use quaternions as the base representation,
> then we can go with "Q-method".
> "Cubic spline" for orientation is also a very cool algorithm which wasn't
> promoted anywhere, but this is the best idea I found on the subject (i.e.
> interpolation with continuous angular rates and acceleration).
> Other algorithms are quite small, they can be added quickly. I would say
> it is more of a question of what we should include. If you have some ideas
> outside (mostly) "aerospace" field --- they are welcome.
> For all parts I would like to see more concrete and technical details. For
> example, if we want SLERP interpolation --- what will it be (class or
> function), what it will accept, what will be the most difficult part to
> implement it correctly. The same for all other things.
> Best,
> Nikolay
> ---- On Sat, 03 Mar 2018 16:26:28 +0500* anubhavp28 at gmail.com
> <anubhavp28 at gmail.com> * wrote ----
> Hi,
> I wanted feedback regarding whether a combination of rotation class and
> implementation of quaternion SLERP algorithm and Davenport's Q-method
> solving Wahba's Problem, will be enough for GSoC? Should I include more
> rotation related algorithm for implementation? Any suggestions what more I
> could do?
> On Mon, Feb 26, 2018 at 9:30 PM, Ralf Gommers <ralf.gommers at gmail.com>
> wrote:
> Hi Anubhev,
> On Mon, Feb 26, 2018 at 2:12 AM, Anubhav Patel <anubhavp28 at gmail.com>
> wrote:
> Hi everyone,
> I want to work on SciPy as part of GSoC and I have few queries.
> 1. On the Ideas Page, there was a mention of scipy.spatial.transform
> module. I want to know what will be the exact purpose of this module?
> Did you read the whole idea? There's a lot of detail. It says for example
> "The aim of this project is to create a module which will allow to
> conveniently describe, apply and compose rotations. ". That answer your
> question I think.
> 2. Whether the idea for a module for numerical differentiation was dropped
> completely?
> Yes, for now that's off the table - at least not feasible for a GSoC we've
> concluded after several attempts.
> 3. Apart from those ideas listed on ideas page, are there any other area
> where you guys would like to see contribution on?
> Ideas for new features on http://scipy.github.io/devdocs/roadmap.html are
> of interest, or ones you may have yourself. But given that they're not on
> the ideas page, it's not guaranteed we can find mentors for those.
> Cheers,
> Ralf
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