[SciPy-Dev] Contributing to SciPy through GSoC

Nikolay Mayorov nikolay.mayorov at zoho.com
Sun Mar 4 16:41:58 EST 2018

Hi, Anybhev!

I think getting Rotation right is a top priority and so far unfortunately nobody dig into technical details of it. I would like to see that from students.

As for the algorithms. I believe that Wahba's problem can be generalized by adding a translation vector, but the interpretation will be different (search for "absolute orientation problem"). As for methods to solve Wahba's problem --- probably SVD based is the easiest to understand and implement, but if we decide to use quaternions as the base representation, then we can go with "Q-method".

"Cubic spline" for orientation is also a very cool algorithm which wasn't promoted anywhere, but this is the best idea I found on the subject (i.e. interpolation with continuous angular rates and acceleration). 

Other algorithms are quite small, they can be added quickly. I would say it is more of a question of what we should include. If you have some ideas outside (mostly) "aerospace" field --- they are welcome.

For all parts I would like to see more concrete and technical details. For example, if we want SLERP interpolation --- what will it be (class or function), what it will accept, what will be the most difficult part to implement it correctly. The same for all other things.



---- On Sat, 03 Mar 2018 16:26:28 +0500 anubhavp28 at gmail.com  wrote ----


I wanted feedback regarding whether a combination of rotation class and implementation of quaternion SLERP algorithm and Davenport's Q-method solving Wahba's Problem, will be enough for GSoC? Should I include more rotation related algorithm for implementation? Any suggestions what more I could do?

On Mon, Feb 26, 2018 at 9:30 PM, Ralf Gommers <ralf.gommers at gmail.com> wrote:

Hi Anubhev,

On Mon, Feb 26, 2018 at 2:12 AM, Anubhav Patel <anubhavp28 at gmail.com> wrote:

Hi everyone,

I want to work on SciPy as part of GSoC and I have few queries.

1. On the Ideas Page, there was a mention of scipy.spatial.transform module. I want to know what will be the exact purpose of this module?

Did you read the whole idea? There's a lot of detail. It says for example "The aim of this project is to create a module which will allow to conveniently describe, apply and compose rotations. ". That answer your question I think.


2. Whether the idea for a module for numerical differentiation was dropped completely?

Yes, for now that's off the table - at least not feasible for a GSoC we've concluded after several attempts.


3. Apart from those ideas listed on ideas page, are there any other area where you guys would like to see contribution on?

Ideas for new features on http://scipy.github.io/devdocs/roadmap.html are of interest, or ones you may have yourself. But given that they're not on the ideas page, it's not guaranteed we can find mentors for those.




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