[SciPy-Dev] SciPy 1.0 release schedule proposal

Ralf Gommers ralf.gommers at gmail.com
Thu Sep 14 03:55:29 EDT 2017

On Sun, Aug 20, 2017 at 6:23 PM, Ralf Gommers <ralf.gommers at gmail.com>

> Hi all,
> We're now at 5 months after the 0.19.0 release, and well behind our
> planned 1.0 release date [1]. So it's high time for a more concrete plan -
> here it is:
> Sep 16: Branch 1.0.x
> Sep 17: beta1
> Sep 27: rc1
> Oct 7: rc2
> Oct 17: final release

Hi all, here's a friendly reminder that we're branching 1.0.x in 2 days
from now. There aren't any serious blockers in the issues marked for 1.0.0,
so let's try to get as much merged as possible, and we'll bump the rest.

My plan is to work as far as possible through
https://github.com/scipy/scipy/milestone/32 for everything except the
scipy.signal and scipy.sparse issues/PRs. For signal I'm hoping that Warren
and Eric L. together can merge most open PRs. For sparse the linalg issues
can be fixed later and backported, and the sparse matrix ones it looks like
we won't get to (unless CJ you have fixes up your sleeve?).


> This gives us one month to finish and merge everything that we really
> would like to see in 1.0 - should be enough time for things that are
> already in progress. The list of things now marked for 1.0 [2] is not too
> long, and not all of it is critical. It would be useful if everyone could
> add PRs/issues that they think are critical to the 1.0 milestone. Adding
> yourself as an "assignee" on PRs/issues you plan to tackle would also be
> helpful.
> Besides some really nice new features, we made major strides in
> infrastructure (CI, testing) and project organisation for this release. Fom
> my perspective there are three critical things left:
> 1. Windows wheels. Looks like we're pretty much there, but we need to
> ensure that 1.0 is the first release that has Windows wheels available.
> 2. Adding a code of conduct. This is the last thing we imho need from an
> "open source project maturity" perspective (an FSA would be nice, but can
> wait).
> 3. Merging a lot of PRs. There's ~150 PRs open now, I hope in the next
> month we can focus on reducing that number and getting some nice
> improvements in that have been waiting for quite some time.
> Finally, we've discussed before writing a paper about SciPy to coincide
> with this release. I'll follow up on that separately.
> Thoughts?
> Cheers,
> Ralf
> [1] https://mail.python.org/pipermail/scipy-dev/2016-September/021485.html
> [2] https://github.com/scipy/scipy/milestones/1.0
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