[SciPy-Dev] Travis CI fails for test_ndimage which is unrelated to my PR

Adam Former at physicist.net
Mon Nov 13 16:07:34 EST 2017

Hello everybody,

I've submitted PR 8151 which fixes some issues with the hypergeometric
function hyp2f1 that I discussed in an earlier thread.

Right now, it's failing the Travis CI checks.  From I can tell, it's
claiming that a test script called 'test_ndimage.py' is failing.  From
the Travis output:
	(link: https://travis-ci.org/scipy/scipy/jobs/301127108#L946-L9
My PR has nothing to do with test_ndimage. (Although I did add a new
test script called test_hyp2f1.py, but as far as I can tell all the
test cases with this file passed).
Is this another bug with the Travis CI checks? Or is there something
wrong with my PR?


--Adam K.
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