[SciPy-Dev] ANN: LAST CALL for SciPy (Scientific Python) 2016 Conference Talk / Poster Proposals - Due Friday 4/1

Courtenay Godshall (Enthought) cgodshall at enthought.com
Tue Mar 29 11:13:34 EDT 2016

**ANN: LAST CALL for SciPy 2016 Conference Talk / Poster Proposals
(Scientific Computing with Python) - Final Deadline - Friday April 1st**

 <http://www.scipy2016.scipy.org/> SciPy 2016, the 15th annual Scientific
Computing with Python conference, will be held July 11-17, 2016 in Austin,
Texas. SciPy is a community dedicated to the advancement of scientific
computing through open source Python software for mathematics, science, and
engineering. The annual SciPy Conference brings together over 650
participants from industry, academia, and government to showcase their
latest projects, learn from skilled users and developers, and collaborate on
code development.


The full program will consist of
<http://scipy2016.scipy.org/ehome/146062/332967/?&&>  2 days of tutorials
(July 11-12), <http://scipy2016.scipy.org/ehome/146062/332968/?&&>  3 days
of talks (July 13-15), and 2 days of
<http://scipy2016.scipy.org/ehome/146062/332969/?&&>  developer sprints
(July 16-17). More info is available on the conference website at
<http://www.scipy2016.scipy.org/>  http://scipy2016.scipy.org (where you can
sign up for the mailing list); or follow <https://twitter.com/scipyconf>
@scipyconf on Twitter.  





Submissions for talks and posters are welcome on our website (
<http://scipy2016.scipy.org/> http://scipy2016.scipy.org). In your abstract,
please provide details on what Python tools are being employed, and how. The
talk and poster submission deadline is March 25th, 2016


SciPy 2016 will include 3 major topic tracks and 8 mini-symposia tracks.


Major topic tracks include:

- Scientific Computing in Python

- Python in Data Science (Big data and not so big data)

- High Performance Computing


Mini-symposia will include the applications of Python in:

- Earth and Space Science

- Engineering

- Medicine and Biology

- Social Sciences

- Special Purpose Databases

- Case Studies in Industry

- Education

- Reproducibility


If you have any questions or comments, feel free to contact us at:
scipy-organizers at scipy.org





Please register early. SciPy early bird registration until May 22, 2016.
Register at <http://scipy2016.scipy.org/>  http://scipy2016.scipy.org. Plus,
enter our t-shirt design contest to win a free registration. (Send a vector
art file to scipy at enthought.com by March 31 to enter).


Important dates:

April 1: Talk and Poster Proposals Due

May 11: Plotting Contest Submissions Due

Apr 22: Tutorials Announced

Apr 22: Financial Aid Submissions Due

May 4: Talk and Posters Announced

May 22: Early Bird Registration Deadline

Jul 11-12: SciPy 2016 Tutorials

Jul 13-15: SciPy 2016 General Conference

Jul 16-17: SciPy 2016 Sprints


We look forward to an exciting conference and hope to see you in Austin in


The Scipy 2016 Committee

 <http://scipy2016.scipy.org/> http://scipy2016.scipy.org/

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