[SciPy-Dev] optimize - add algorithm for global optimization: GenSA

Charles R Harris charlesr.harris at gmail.com
Sat Oct 24 10:39:44 EDT 2015

On Fri, Oct 23, 2015 at 7:10 AM, Gubian, Sylvain <Sylvain.Gubian at pmi.com>

> Hi everyone,
> We would like to propose a new method, GenSA,  for global optimization to
> be included in the optimize module.
> GenSA is an implementation of the General Simulated Annealing algorithm
> (GSA, http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0378437196002713).
> This approach generalizes CSA (Classical Simulated Annealing) and FSA (Fast
> Simulated Annealing) to search for the global minimum more efficiently. The
> algorithm is explained in more detail in this reference:
> http://journal.r-project.org/archive/2013-1/xiang-gubian-suomela-etal.pdf.
> SciPy has already in the past included a method based on simulated
> annealing, called anneal, which has been deprecated in 0.14 (with an advice
> to use basinhopping) and eventually removed in 0.16.
> A previously published comparison of 18 optimization methods in the R
> language (http://www.jstatsoft.org/v60/i06/paper) shows that GenSA is,
> among the methods tested, one of the “most capable of consistently
> returning a solution near the global minimum of each test function”. This
> paper however did not consider basinhopping, so we have performed some
> tests which tend to show that GenSA is more efficient than basinhopping
> for high dimension problems. The results have been presented in a poster in
> PyCon UK 2015 (Coventry).
> The code is ready and passes unit tests and PEP8. We hope it would be a
> useful addition to SciPy and would be happy to have your opinion.

I'm a bit concerned about license issues If any of the code comes from R. R
has an incompatible license.

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