[SciPy-Dev] "Anonymous" bug reporting: useful?

Andreas Hilboll lists at hilboll.de
Sat Feb 22 07:10:54 EST 2014

On 22.02.2014 10:56, Sturla Molden wrote:
> Frédéric Bastien <nouiz at nouiz.org> wrote:
>> It is the first time I read that having bug report every few days is healthy :)
> It is. There are bugs in all software because of the human factor. Most
> automatic bug reports are generated by errors on the users side. That is a
> signal to noise problem.

I agree.  I hadn't thought about this yet.

> Also, one would want to prioritize fixing bugs
> that are critical or bugs that people actually care about. If it is too
> easy to report a bug, the important ones will wait forever in queue.

Almost all reported bugs are important, because except for corner cases,
they usually prevent a user from using Scipy in her/his intended way.  I
agree that some bugs are more important thant others, in that they
affect more users more strongly.  But I'm not sure that the effort a
user has to go through to report a bug correlates with the bug's importance.

Especially people who are not familiar with the open source world could
see their prejudices confirmed when they (a) encounter a bug and then
(b) have to go through "too much hassle" to actually report it.

Just my 2ct.


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