[SciPy-Dev] Fixing the scipy.optimize.show_options

Yuxiang Wang yw5aj at virginia.edu
Fri Feb 21 17:28:07 EST 2014

Dear all,

I found this function missing the option 'eps' when I checked L-BFGS-B
algorithm. This is what I got.

In [1]: from scipy.optimize import show_options

In [2]: show_options('minimize', 'l-bfgs-b')

L-BFGS-B options:

ftol : float

The iteration stops when ``(f^k -

f^{k+1})/max{|f^k|,|f^{k+1}|,1} <= ftol``.

gtol : float

The iteration will stop when ``max{|proj g_i | i = 1, ..., n}

<= gtol`` where ``pg_i`` is the i-th component of the

projected gradient.

maxcor : int

The maximum number of variable metric corrections used to

define the limited memory matrix. (The limited memory BFGS

method does not store the full hessian but uses this many terms

in an approximation to it.)

maxiter : int

Maximum number of function evaluations.


Yuxiang "Shawn" Wang
Gerling Research Lab
University of Virginia
yw5aj at virginia.edu
+1 (434) 284-0836

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