[SciPy-Dev] minimizer benchmark

Denis Laxalde denis at laxalde.org
Tue Nov 19 15:24:19 EST 2013

Jacob Stevenson a écrit :
> I have not submitted a pull request because I have no idea how to fit
> what I've done into an existing benchmarking framework (if there is
> one).  I will submit the pull request if there is interest.  In my
> opinion it would be really useful to have a long set of benchmarks to
> see how all the minimizers perform on different types of minimization
> problems.
> Here is the script in my scipy fork
> https://github.com/js850/scipy/blob/benchmarks/scipy/optimize/benchmarks/bench_optimizers.py

I also think this could be useful. If you want to include this, I'd 
suggest to use numpy's benchmarking framework (see e.g. 
numpy.testing.Tester.bench) as this is done elsewhere (e.g. sparse.linalg).

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