[SciPy-Dev] Splines

Clare Sutherland cs770 at york.ac.uk
Thu Mar 28 11:52:44 EDT 2013

Charles R Harris <charlesr.harris <at> gmail.com> writes:

> Hi All,There have been several threads on the list about splines
and consolidation of splines. 
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Hear hear!

I've been trying to use Python to interpolate natural cubic splines.... 
This has not been easy (especially since it's my first script in Python!)

Part of the problem is that the documentation on it just now is so terse
that without a mathematical background it's difficult to know
what the options are.It doesn't help that online unoffical user
documentation refers to scipy.interpolate as if it creates a natural
cubic spline, but this is incorrect (I think...)

So my idea is that it would be useful to have a more informative, clearer
official user documentation. 
This would hopefully clear up some of the confusion.

Best wishes,


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