[SciPy-Dev] optimize.fsolve endless loop with nan

josef.pktd at gmail.com josef.pktd at gmail.com
Wed Mar 13 10:51:04 EDT 2013

preliminary question, I didn't have time yet to look closely

>>> scipy.__version__

I have a problem where fsolve goes into a range where the values are
nan. After that it goes into an endless loop, as far as I can tell.

Something like this has been fixed for optimize.fmin_bfgs. Was there a
fix for this also for fsolve, since 0.9.0?

(The weirder story: I rearranged some test, and made unfortunately
also some other changes, and now when I run nosetests it never
returns. Ctrl+C kills nosetests, but leaves a python process running.
I have no clue why the test sequence should matter.)


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