[SciPy-Dev] Version 0.12.1? And some newcomer questions

Juan Luis Cano juanlu001 at gmail.com
Wed Jul 24 09:55:23 EDT 2013

On 07/24/2013 02:47 PM, Pauli Virtanen wrote:
> 24.07.2013 12:05, Juan Luis Cano kirjoitti:
>> I would like to know if there are any plans to release a bugfix version
>> of SciPy 0.12. I've been working with scipy.signal lately and I've
>> stumbled upon some of the bugs that have been fixed on master in April
>> and May since 0.12.0. But in a more general sense, I don't know if there
>> is a roadmap to backport some bugfixes to maintenance/0.12.x (or if
>> there is help needed?) because there is no hint in the issues milestones.
> I think the current plan is to not do a point release before 0.13, which
> is on schedule in the next few months.
Fair enough, good to know!
>> I've just submitted my first code contribution to SciPy and as a
>> newcomer (also willing to make some more) I was looking for this kind of
>> information: workflow, guidelines, roadmap, future plans... And I have
>> to say that it is scarce. For example, I was looking for the best way to
>> work with SciPy source code and I ended up doing this:
> Did you find these:
>       https://github.com/scipy/scipy/blob/master/HACKING.rst.txt
>       http://docs.scipy.org/doc/scipy/reference/hacking.html
> If yes, specific suggestions on what to improve would be welcome.

Well, indeed I have read those but somehow I missed the part I was 
interested in (the third item on the FAQ). I have read this:


which gives extensive information on how to clone the repo but not how 
to create a dev installation.

Speaking of which, it seems there have been some changes in the SciPy 
hacking guide. For example, in v0.12.0 "python setupegg.py develop" 
appears (which apparently is exactly what I did) but it is removed in 
master. It is not recommended anymore?

Anyway, I just learned about "build_ext --inplace" and seems like the 
way to go. Manually creating a symlink in site-packages feels a bit 
hackish but I can live with it.

Maybe this information should have more important and be also present on 
the NumPy dev guide (or merge / unify both?), other than that and apart 
from clarifying why "setupegg.py develop" does not appear anymore I 
cannot think of any further improvements.

Thank you very much for your response. I am aware that NumPy and SciPy 
are currently maintained by a very small group of people whose time is 
limited too, and since I've been using it extensively the last years I 
would love to give my two cents in return.

Juan Luis Cano

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