[SciPy-Dev] Like to participate in scipy.signals

Pauli Virtanen pav at iki.fi
Thu Jan 24 10:20:56 EST 2013

Surya Kasturi <suryak <at> ieee.org> writes:
> I am currently looking into  what Ralf has said! Now, I am going
> through the documentation.. 
> So, how far I should be reading the source-code of the project
> before proceeding with the bugs? I seriously feel reading code
> is a very tough task!

With the bugs, I would only read the part of the source code
that you need to, i.e., (i) try to first have a mathematical
background understanding of what the computation is supposed
to do, (ii) then try to locate the piece that is failing,
(iii) look at the source code of the failing part, and
then repeat from (i) on that.

Scipy is quite wide topic-wise, so understanding what all the
code e.g. in scipy.signal does takes more effort than the typical
non-scientific code base. Luckily, different topics tend to be
separated, so you can conserve your energy by digging only into
a single one at a time.

[clip: scipy-central]
> Looking into it now! This website looks very simple.
> May be we can try to use Twitter Bootstrap... Its UI is
> quite attractive and even simple to implement.
> What do you say? 
> Probably I might propose new ideas if I look into
> the Django Stuff (the development part).

Yes, certainly. With the design one might want to make it somehow
look like it's to some degree affiliated with scipy.org (although
the design for the latter looks like from the last century :)
Using Bootstrap as the base layout did come up some time ago in
discussions, and I think was regarded as a good idea.

The scipy-central project has been "sleeping" for a year now, but
it would be nice to have again more activity with it.

Pauli Virtanen

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