[SciPy-Dev] issues trac migration review

Eric Moore ewm at redtetrahedron.org
Thu Apr 25 19:16:55 EDT 2013

Skipper Seabold wrote:
> On Thu, Apr 25, 2013 at 2:34 PM, Skipper Seabold<jsseabold at gmail.com>  wrote:
>> All,
>> Like removing a band-aid. The pain should be over. It seems to have
>> gone pretty smoothly from the problems log, but let me know if you
>> notice anything. I can fix problems for now, but I'd prefer not to
>> make changes through the API after we announce that it's live. Feels
>> dirty.
>> https://github.com/scipy/scipy/issues
>> Incidentally, it would probably be good if someone could take a
>> snapshot of the trac attachments from that server just in case. I
>> didn't do this.
> So maybe the notifications weren't such a great idea. So far I know
> that I only spammed a few people from their curt responses, and github
> contacted me to let me know that I flooded github's servers with a
> backlog of notifications. So let's hold off for at least a few hours
> before publicizing the move any more / using the issue tracker and
> generating more notifications.
> Skipper

This is certainly the first time I've ever checked my email to find 
10,000+ new messages.  However, I'm glad to see that we've converted 
over. It'll be nice to have everything in one place.  Thanks for talking 
the time to do this.


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