[SciPy-Dev] Fwd: For certain arrays scipy.interpolate.fitpack.bisplrep fails,

Pauli Virtanen pav at iki.fi
Sat May 14 04:52:37 EDT 2011

On Sat, 14 May 2011 00:08:24 +0100, Paul Kuin wrote:
> scipy.interpolate.fitpack.bisplrep fails, For certain arrays
> scipy.interpolate.fitpack.bisplrep fails, since the fortran code called
> expects
> an integer for the dimension size of certain arrays:

Floats will be automatically cast to integers, so this by itself
cannot cause any errors.

Please give example code that fails (how does it fail?) -- otherwise
it will be difficult to determine the actual cause.

> line 760-761 of fitpack.py should be modified to
>   if nxest is None: nxest=int(kx+sqrt(m/2))
>   if nyest is None: nyest=int(ky+sqrt(m/2))
> to make sure nxest, and nyest are integer.

That was already changed to be so in Scipy 0.9.

Pauli Virtanne

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