[SciPy-Dev] Release blocker?

Ralf Gommers ralf.gommers at googlemail.com
Sat Feb 19 03:22:05 EST 2011

On Thu, Feb 17, 2011 at 8:39 AM, Robert Kern <robert.kern at gmail.com> wrote:
> On Wed, Feb 16, 2011 at 18:25, Pauli Virtanen <pav at iki.fi> wrote:
>> On Wed, 16 Feb 2011 17:53:45 -0600, Robert Kern wrote:
>>> That said, distutils should already be passing the right flags to mingw
>>> to link against msvcr90.dll unless if we are interfering. Can you show
>>> us the command lines that are being executed on your machine? I believe
>>> that using the environment variable DISTUTILS_DEBUG=1 will cause
>>> setup.py to print them out as it goes along.
>> Build log is here: http://pav.iki.fi/tmp/build.log
>> It's a simple Numpy 1.5.1 + current mingw32 + python.org 3.1 setup.
>> Apparently, what happens is that modules linked with g++ get -lmsvcr90,
>> whereas modules linked with gfortran (due to BLAS, apparently) don't get
>> it.
> Ah, that makes sense. numpy.distutils owns the link flags for Fortran
> modules. I think the problem is in fcompiler/gnu.py:get_libraries()
> (both of them). We don't add the right runtime library unless if the
> configured C compiler is 'msvc'. I think we need to add it
> unconditionally.
I tried that, https://github.com/rgommers/numpy/tree/mingw-runtime-1.5.x.
Then building scipy against this patched numpy 1.5.1 shows that also
g77 receives '-lmsvcr90'. Build log at http://pastebin.com/Zu4PB4ss.
The tests all pass for me under Wine. I don't have access to a Win7
system though, so can someone who does try the installer in

The above doesn't get rid of references to msvcrt.dll though. See
interpnd.txt and qhull.txt (output of Dependency Walker) in
https://sourceforge.net/projects/scipy/files/scipy/temp/. I am also
wondering if this dual runtime is really the issue here - it has
worked fine with this setup for a long time, and the segfault occurs
for recently added code (interpnd). Perhaps getting rid of free/malloc
is enough.

There is also an unclear warning at line 181 of fcompiler/gnu.py
(originally written by Pearu):
    # the following code is not needed (read: breaks) when using MinGW
    # in case want to link F77 compiled code with MSVC
I'm not sure if that just refers to the line "opt.append('gcc')" and
not also to the runtime_lib that you propose to change now.

A note for future reference: Dependency Walker has a problem with
msvcr90.dll, it claims it can not find it. It is installed anyway, in


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