[SciPy-Dev] Recent changes to scipy stats

Stéfan van der Walt stefan at sun.ac.za
Wed Jun 2 14:55:24 EDT 2010

Dear Travis (and others)

On 1 June 2010 01:25, Travis Oliphant <oliphant at enthought.com> wrote:
> I actually think it very inconsiderate that I should be treated with such rudeness for contributing needed functionality.

I was saddened to witness the tone of these conversations, and I wish
certain rash personal comments by Charles and David G were rather not
made; they certainly don't reflect the attitude of the community as a

While you and I have very different approaches to software
engineering, I respect the fact that we both aim to achieve the same
goal: create a better SciPy.  In the past, this spirit of innovation
helped to form a remarkably friendly, driven and effective community
in which decisions were reached by civil argument and consensus,
rather than hard-line rules and policies.

Hopefully, we can all return our focus to steering this ship in the
same direction.  If some technological changes would help with that
process, that's well worth investigating (Jarrod and I are nearly
ready with a NEP for switching to Github).

Kind regards

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