[SciPy-dev] NumPy f2py GSOC project

Charles R Harris charlesr.harris at gmail.com
Fri Mar 27 01:30:25 EDT 2009

2009/3/26 ross smith <rjsm at umich.edu>

> Yes I do.  I can see the Numpy and Cython dependence, which may not be a
> good idea but Cython can produce both python2 code and python3 code.
> In any case, I'm seeing this project getting harder to pitch and define so,
> are there any other projects for NumPy or SciPy that would appropriate for a
> gsoc project?

I think the main things going on in numpy at this time are test
coverage/documentation/code cleanup. David is also working the
build/distribution problems. I can't speak for scipy, as I am less familiar
with its current state.

It would be a shame to waste your experience with the python 2.x -> 3.x
transition. I wish I was in a better position to help plan out the project,
but I don't even know what the problems will be at this point. Which
probably doesn't help you pitch the project to Google. No doubt there is a
lot of code cleanup in the python sections of numpy that would help with the
transition, but I don't know what that would be either.

My feeling is we won't be working much on the transition until next year
sometime. It would certainly be nice to have a plan in place before we
start, but I don't know if that sort of thing interests you or if you could
sell it to Google. I think it would require a lot of your time just getting
familiar with all the parts of numpy and that is quite a job in itself.

I think f2py remains a possibility, but you will have to judge that. It
would certainly help if Pearu were available to guide that work. And like
many open source projects that just growed, I suspect f2py is rather
complicated. Hence Pearu's start on a refactoring. Have you tried contacting

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