[SciPy-dev] Porting SciPy to Py3k GSOC project

ross smith rjsm at umich.edu
Tue Mar 24 01:17:36 EDT 2009

Hello again,

> I don't know if my second email made it through the moderator (it was too
> large).
> 2009/3/23 Charles R Harris <charlesr.harris at gmail.com>
>> Hi Ross,
>> 2009/3/22 ross smith <rjsm at umich.edu>
>>> Hello everyone,
>>> I am interested in porting SciPy/NumPy to Py3k.  I've been working this
>>> past school year to port an existing code base to py3k for a research group
>>> on campus.  A lot of the code relies on SciPy and NumPy but the scope of my
>>> project didn't let me work on porting either project, to my dismay.  I'd
>>> love the opportunity to port a project I use heavily in my own code and gain
>>> a better understanding of how it works.
>>> We are supposed to contact the group we would be working with, to flesh
>>> out the details of our application.  I've looked at the application and the
>>> only thing I know I'll need significant help with is the Milestones
>>> portion.  Of course,  Any and all suggestions are welcome!
>> Do you have a plan of attack?
>   I do.   I've done some looking through the trunk svn, and I see three
> chunks to the project.  the Distutils, NumPy and SciPy.  Distutils would be
> first on the list to be ported as the other two won't install without it.
> for the most part I plan to stick to the outline in python's suggested
> porting method as it worked well for the Lab's codebase.   (
> http://docs.python.org/3.0/whatsnew/3.0.html)
> What all does your experience suggest will be needed?
>    Most of the code will require minor or stylistic changes here and
> there.  The two issues that require much more work are any __cmp__ methods
> and any questionable coding practices.  I've found that the things that 2to3
> (the provided auto-converter) chokes on are things that shouldn't have made
> it to production in the first place.  Once it's been run through 2to3, the
> bugs and errors that pop up don't seem to follow much of a pattern and I
> expect much more work per bug or error in this auto-converted code.
> I think if you can end the project with a report on your experience and a
>> list of things that needed to be done that that would be helpful in itself.
>> Chuck
> Thanks for the suggestions.   I have one other question,  are there unit
> tests available somwhere that I haven't seen?  looking under the tests and
> testing folders in the source tree turned up a fairly lean set of tests.
> -Ross
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