[SciPy-dev] Scipy workflow (and not tools).

Stéfan van der Walt stefan at sun.ac.za
Wed Feb 25 14:45:21 EST 2009

Hi Travis

2009/2/25 Travis E. Oliphant <oliphant at enthought.com>:
> Which code has no tests?   Are you speaking rhetorically or about a
> specific check-in?

I don't want to focus on any commits specifically (this kind of thing
happens across the board), but I'll give one example that involves
yourself.  Take a look at


You added a very useful function (thank you very much!).  I haven't
played with decimation filters recently, so I added a very naïve test:


Let's face it, you could have done a much better job there than I could.

Besides the neat function you added, you also fixed a spelling
mistake.  Unfortunately, "Filifilt" became "filtflit", which is also
incorrect.  Also, you accidentally changed "lfilter_zi" to
"lfiltir_zi".  I fixed that in:


Even a cursory review of the patch would have caught these issues.

I appreciate that you want SciPy to remain organic and free; a place
where motivated developers strive to grow the codebase to an
efficient, powerful computing machine.  I share that vision, although
I'd like us to turn the gears up a bit, oil the machine, and encourage
one another to write better code.


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