[SciPy-dev] More "Notes" from "Source"

David Goldsmith d.l.goldsmith at gmail.com
Mon Dec 14 16:57:55 EST 2009

Hi, folks.  The following were "XXX Notes" in arrays.ndarray.rst (I
don't know who wrote these originally - they're in the "Source"

0) "Note XXX: update and check these docstrings." (applies to the
sections titled "Memory layout," "ctypes foreign function interface,"
and "Array conversion.")

1) "Note XXX: update the dtype attribute docstring: setting etc."
(applies to the section titled "Data type.")

2) "Note XXX: write all attributes explicitly here instead of relying
on the auto* stuff?" (applies to the section titled "Arithmetic and
comparison operations")

My questions are:

0) What, precisely, are meant by "update" and "check" here?

1) What does ": setting, etc." refer to?  (I assume "update" has the
same meaning as in 0))

2) "write all attributes explicitly here instead of relying on the
auto* stuff_?_": Evidently, unless the "?" is a typo, the author of
this Note wasn't sure this should be done - should it, and if so, why?

As always, thanks!


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