[SciPy-dev] can't install timeseries

Matt Knox mattknox_ca at hotmail.com
Sat May 19 19:54:06 EDT 2007

> hi,
> i dont have vs 2003. i've tried with both mingw32 and cygwin and it fails to 
> build and install timeseries. (maskedarray installs fine).

cygwin works pretty seamlessly on windows with python 2.5, so I'd recommend 
that approach. It doesn't require any special witchcraft that used to be 
needed for compiling extensions on windows with earlier versions of python. 
Here are some good general instructions for compiling extensions with cygwin 
and python 2.5:  http://boodebr.org/main/python/build-windows-extensions

Once you've followed the setup steps there, just open the cygwin shell and you 
can do "python setup.py build_ext -i" to build the extension in place in that 
same directory. Or I *believe* "python setup.py install" will compile the 
extension and install it in your site-packages directory if memory serves me 
correctly... but I haven't tried that in a while and don't have the necessary 
stuff setup on my pc here to test. You can even create a nice binary installer 
by doing "python setup.py bdist_wininst" if you want to pass it around to your 
friends and family :)

Let me know if you have any other problems. If you need any help using the 
timeseries module once you get it up and running, feel free to post on the 
scipy-user list and I can give you a hand.

- Matt

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