[SciPy-dev] Presentation of pymachine, a python package for machine learning

Petr Šimon sim at klubko.net
Sun May 13 20:40:19 EDT 2007

On Monday 14 May 2007 08:24:52 David Cournapeau wrote:
> Dear scipy developers and users,
>    As some of you may know already, my proposal for pymachine, a python
> toolbox for machine learning in python, has been accepted for the Summer
> of Code 2007. The detailed proposal is online [1], and wikified [2]. The
> proposal timeline consists of two main steps:
>    - first improving existing tools related to machine learning in
> scipy, such as they become part of "official scipy" (eg all tools in
> toolbox going into main scipy namespace). This includes scipy.cluster,
> scipy.sandbox.pyem and scipy.sandbox.svm.
>    - Then building from this set of toolboxes a more high level package,
> in the spirit of similar softwares, such as orange or weka [3],
> including some visualization tools for data exploration. This part of
> the code would be put in scikits (because it will require extra
> dependencies).
> All development will happen in the scipy and scikits subversion
> repositories.
>    Now, before starting working on it, I would like to get some feedback
> about what other people think is necessary with respect to those goals:
>    - What are the requirements for a toolbox to go from the sandbox into
> the scipy namespace ?
>    - For people willing to use machine learning related software in
> python/scipy, what are the main requirements/concern ? (eg Data
> exploration GUI, efficiency, readability of the algorithms, etc...)
>    cheers,
>    David
> [1] http://www.ar.media.kyoto-u.ac.jp/members/david/fullproposal.html
> [2] http://projects.scipy.org/scipy/scipy/wiki/MachineLearning
> [3] orange http://magix.fri.uni-lj.si/orange/,  weka:
> http://www.cs.waikato.ac.nz/ml/weka/
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one concern might be data handling. I usually work with rather large datasets 
that can't fit into memory and most of the machine learning packages 
naturally do this (weka, orange).


Petr Šimon 

PhD student, TIGP-CLCLP Academia Sinica

"... what the Buddhist call 'right livelyhood', I didn't have that, 
I didn't have any way of making a living, and to make a living 
is to be doing something that you love, something that was creative,
something that made sense..."
		     Mark Bittner, parrot caretaker, Telegraph Hill

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