[SciPy-dev] Old numarray convolve2d fft=1 option

Christopher Hanley chanley at stsci.edu
Wed May 2 10:07:27 EDT 2007

David O'Sullivan wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm relatively new to this, and certainly no expert on the underlying 
> math of all this stuff, but I'm trying to do relatively large kernel 
> convolutions on large 2d matrices.  The kernels might be 160x160 while 
> the matrices themselves might be 2500x2500.  They're also likely to be 
> sparse matrices, but I'll worry about that later - for now I'm just 
> scoping things out.
> So... anyway... with those size convolutions in mind, I'm intrigued by 
> the fft=1 option that was in the numarray.convolve2d function (or so it 
> says at
> http://stsdas.stsci.edu/numarray/numarray-1.5.html/node65.html
> This option doesn't seem to be in the current scipy.signal.convolve2d 
> function.  Presumably it would speed 2d convolutions up a lot?
> Is there a way around this?
> Or a plan to put the fft implementation into scipy.signal.convolve2d?
> Thanks
> David

The numarray convolve package is currently living in 
scipy.stsci.convolve.  It should work in the same way the numarray 
version did.


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