[SciPy-dev] GSoC weekly report

dmitrey openopt at ukr.net
Sat Aug 4 06:56:55 EDT 2007

hi all,
This week I tried to use Matthieu's line-search routines in openopt. I 
need a good line-search alg that takes into account slope angle, like 
Unfortunately, that one seems to be obsolete and no maintained any more, 
noone can (or want) answer about old_fval and old_old_fval parameters 
(moreover, other ones are not described as well, fortunately I 
understood them).
So, my mailing with Matthieu continues, I hope to solve all the problems 
raised with connection soon.

Also, I began to convert openopt documentation to new standards. There 
I've got some troubles too, see
my post and Charles R Harris answer in scipy dev mail list.

rev 3209 contains changes (ticket 285) proposed by Alan Isaac (instead 
of those ones proposed by the ticket author).

Several hours more were elapsed for (as I g\had report) already done 
ticket 464. The, it turned out that in Nils Wagner numpy 1.0.4dev he has
asfarray(matrix([[0.3]])) being matrix,
while my numpy 1.0.1 (yesterday I have updated to 1.0.4) yields 
As for me, I think latter is more correct, I don't know why it was 
changed in more recent numpy version.
Nils have promised to submit a ticket.

Regards, D.

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