[SciPy-dev] Build problems

Robert Kern robert.kern at gmail.com
Fri Aug 3 22:02:48 EDT 2007

Charles R Harris wrote:
> Hi All,
> Anyone see this before?
> atlas_blas_info:
>   libraries lapack,blas,cblas,atlas not found in /usr/local/atlas/lib/
>   libraries lapack,blas,cblas,atlas not found in /usr/local/lib
>   libraries lapack,blas,cblas,atlas not found in /usr/lib/sse2
>   libraries lapack,blas,cblas,atlas not found in /usr/lib
> $[charris at localhost scipy]$ ls /usr/local/atlas/lib
> libatlas.a   libcblas.a    libf77blas.a   liblapack.a   libptcblas.a  
> libptf77blas.a
> libatlas.so  libcblas.so  libf77blas.so  liblapack.so  libptcblas.so 
> libptf77blas.so
> How come the libraries aren't found? Numpy builds and runs fine. This is
> scipy revision 3220.

"libraries lapack,blas,cblas,atlas not found"
It's looking for a libblas, and there is none. Try setting the libraries to


Robert Kern

"I have come to believe that the whole world is an enigma, a harmless enigma
 that is made terrible by our own mad attempt to interpret it as though it had
 an underlying truth."
  -- Umberto Eco

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