[SciPy-dev] Now new svn of numpy is ready

Fernando Perez Fernando.Perez at colorado.edu
Thu Jan 5 02:51:00 EST 2006

Travis Oliphant wrote:

> The solution is that now to get at functions that are in both numpy and 
> scipy and you want the scipy ones first and default to the numpy ones if 
> scipy is not installed,  there is a numpy.dual  module that must be 
> loaded separately that contains all the overlapping functions.


abdul[~]> python -c 'import numpy;print numpy.__version__'

Without scipy:

abdul[~]> python -c 'import scipy'
Traceback (most recent call last):
   File "<string>", line 1, in ?
ImportError: No module named scipy
abdul[~]> python -c 'import numpy;numpy.test()'
   Found 3 tests for numpy.distutils.misc_util
   Found 2 tests for numpy.core.umath
   Found 3 tests for numpy.dft.helper
   Found 42 tests for numpy.lib.type_check
   Found 9 tests for numpy.lib.twodim_base
   Found 3 tests for numpy.lib.getlimits
   Found 20 tests for numpy.core.ma
   Found 6 tests for numpy.core.defmatrix
   Found 33 tests for numpy.lib.function_base
   Found 6 tests for numpy.core.records
   Found 4 tests for numpy.lib.index_tricks
   Found 44 tests for numpy.lib.shape_base
   Found 0 tests for __main__
Ran 177 tests in 0.535s


And with it:

abdul[~]> mv ~/usr/local/lib/python2.3/site-packages/scipy-TEMP/ 
abdul[~]> python -c 'import scipy'
import fftpack -> failed: No module named corefft.helper
import stats -> failed: cannot import name dot
abdul[~]> python -c 'import numpy;numpy.test()' 
                           Found 3 tests for numpy.distutils.misc_util
   Found 2 tests for numpy.core.umath
   Found 3 tests for numpy.dft.helper
   Found 42 tests for numpy.lib.type_check
   Found 9 tests for numpy.lib.twodim_base
   Found 3 tests for numpy.lib.getlimits
   Found 20 tests for numpy.core.ma
   Found 6 tests for numpy.core.defmatrix
   Found 33 tests for numpy.lib.function_base
   Found 6 tests for numpy.core.records
   Found 4 tests for numpy.lib.index_tricks
   Found 44 tests for numpy.lib.shape_base
   Found 0 tests for __main__
Ran 177 tests in 0.506s


This is excellent.  Many, many thanks for your gigantic effort, and for 
humoring my never-ending pestering ;)




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