[SciPy-dev] Now new svn of numpy is ready

Travis Oliphant oliphant.travis at ieee.org
Thu Jan 5 02:38:54 EST 2006

Andrew Straw wrote:

>>Perhaps a compromise solution would be to have something like
>Or, even better (IMO), shift the overwriting to scipy:
>scipy.enhance_numpy_namespace() # or other suitable name
>Obviously, scipy would do the slightly naughty trick of modifying
>numpy's namespace. I think that's acceptable if it's done under such a
>function name.

I don't know why my posts take so long sometimes...

The solution is that now to get at functions that are in both numpy and 
scipy and you want the scipy ones first and default to the numpy ones if 
scipy is not installed,  there is a numpy.dual  module that must be 
loaded separately that contains all the overlapping functions.


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