[SciPy-dev] Renaming scipy_core ???

Jonathan Guyer guyer at nist.gov
Mon Jan 2 18:25:20 EST 2006

On Jan 2, 2006, at 4:18 PM, Fernando Perez wrote:

> Note that, to my knowledge, the only two uses of 'numerix' in the wild 
> right
> now are by matplotlib and enthought.  John specifically already 
> suggested
> nuemrix, so he's obviously OK with that.  And in enthought, numerix is 
> also (I
> think) used as a compatibility layer, so once we only have one array 
> package,
> I imagine they'd be OK (though confirmation from them would be 
> welcome).

We use "numerix" in FiPy for the same reason, but I have no complaint 
(and some favor) with this becoming the new name of scipy-core. If it 
causes us problems, then it means that we haven't done a good enough 
job of isolating the specific array library used.

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