[SciPy-dev] Fwd: [sage-devel] numpy in SAGE, etc.

Alan G Isaac aisaac at american.edu
Fri Dec 8 20:11:15 EST 2006

On Sat, 09 Dec 2006, Gary Ruben apparently wrote: 
> Can you suggest something existing for the extra markup? I've never used 
> anything fancier than plain docstrings. 
> The other existing options seem to be (from a brief look) 
> reST/docutils 
> epydoc 
> pythondoc 
> doxygen 
> happydoc 

epydoc has very good support for reST,
which is a wonderful and powerful markup.

Alan Isaac

PS reST has writer in the sandbox that supports
LaTeX as a text role!  (Writes to LaTeX or nicely
to XHTML+MathML.) When epydoc supports that,
we'll really be in good shape!

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