[SciPy-dev] scipy-0.5.2

Travis Oliphant oliphant at ee.byu.edu
Mon Dec 4 15:26:06 EST 2006

Darren Dale wrote:

>On October 25, a message was posted to scipy-dev suggesting Oct 30 as a target 
>release date for scipy-0.5.2. I'm sure there are good reasons for the delay, 
>but several people have asked on the lists about the availability of a scipy 
>release that is compatible with numpy-1.0, and to my knowledge these 
>inquiries have not been answered. Would someone knowledgeable post a status 
>report concerning scipy-0.5.2 to the lists? I think the need for a compatible 
>scipy release is causing problems for packagers who are trying to support a 
>working numpy/scipy/matplotlib environment for scientific computing.
The problem is lack of help.  It would appear that I and Ed Schofield 
are being relied on to release SciPy and neither of us has found the 
time to do it in the past month.  There has been a large influx in the 
number of bug-reports and feature requests and I don't think anybody has 
been able to keep up.

My feeling is we should just release 0.5.2 now and deal with bug-reports 
later.  But, usually that means at least getting the tests to pass. 

In short, we need a release manager for SciPy.  Anybody willing to take 
up the task?


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